Jack Shea Arena 2634 Main Street, Lake Placid, NYUSS Short Track Age Group National Championships Olympic Center, 1932 Rink, Jack Shea Arena
USS Short Track Age Group National Championships Olympic Center, 1932 Rink, Jack Shea Arena
ICE Short Intervals: 15 laps warm up, 2x2 laps BU, 2x75m CS, 2x50m SS, 1x1 lap SS, 2 sets of 4x5 laps (11.5-12.5" {13.5-14.5"}), R5' between sets, 15 laps warm […]
ICE Long Intervals: 15 laps warm up, 3 x 2 laps BU, reaction drills, 2 sets of 8-12-8 laps (HR 165-175), R2'-3', R5-8' between sets, warm down
ICE Tempos: 15 laps warm up, 2x2 laps BU, 2x50m CS, reaction drills, 7-6-5-4 laps tempos, warm down.
ICE Fartlek: 15 laps warm up, 2x2 laps BU, 1 lap timed, 1x50m SS, 1x1 lap SS, 9 {7} laps tempo, 7 {5} laps tempo, 12 laps (2 x 2 […]
ICE Short Intervals: 15 laps warm up, 2x2 laps BU, 2x75m CS, 2x50m SS, 1x1 lap SS, 2 sets of 4x4 laps (10.5-11.5" {12.5-13.5"}), R5' between sets, 15 laps warm […]
ICE PRACTICE RACES - 15 laps warm up, build ups, crazy starts, races to be determined, approx. 3 races each. Need Parents to help with timing and judging
ICE Endurance: 20 laps, 20 laps - last 10 backwards, 15 laps - deep squats start/end of each corner, 10-laps with double corner circle on one corner, 1O laps warm […]
ICE Variable Intervals: 15 laps warm up, 2x2 laps BU, 2x50m CS, 12-16-20-16-12 (2 slow, 1 medium, 1 fast, repeat until done), R5' warm down.
ICE Tempos: 15 laps warm up, 2x2 laps BU, 2x50m CS, 2x50m SS, 2x1 OOm SS, 6-5-4-3 laps tempos, warm down.
ICE Short Intervals: Warm up 15 laps, 2 x 2 laps BU, 2 x 50m SS, 2 sets – 5-6-7 (10.8 {13.0}), R5’ between sets, warm down.